HARC, Inc.

Henry County Abilities Resource Council

Our HARC Recreation service is funded by the United Way, and offers evening and weekend opportunities to individuals to explore and enhance their leisure interests and socialization skills through planned activities in the community. This program also offers overnight camping experiences to facilitate the personal growth and communication of each individual.

Recreation - HARCThrough grants from the Board, fundraising efforts and monies available from the State of Ohio, HARC provides:

  • Housing
  • Support for special projects
  • Employment of people with disabilities
  • Camps
  • Recreational activities including dances, bowling, bingo and sporting events

Functions as a 501 (c) (3) public, non-profit agency with the goal of providing activities and supports to improve the quality of life for adults and children with disabilities in Henry County.

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Check out some of fun things HARC is doing!