A provider is an agency or individual that applies and is approved for certification with the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities.
Henry County Board of DD is fortunate to have caring and competent individual and group providers supporting teens and adults with developmental disabilities throughout our communities.
When an individual with developmental disabilities is in need of a provider, the local provider pool and the statewide data base is shared with them. The individual often with help from their guardian and/or family chooses providers they want to meet and interview. The provider selection process is established by stated rule to allow for “free choice” of providers.
What does a residential provider do and what supports to they offer?
Once a provider is chosen by an individual, an SSA from HOPE Services works with them and the provider to determine what supports they need to live successfully in a community home. Assessments are completed and an Individual Service Plan is developed. The goal of the service plan is to promote good health, safety, learn new skills, and create new opportunities for community involvement and living a happy life as independently as possible.
Are residential providers monitored to assure quality services?
Monitoring of residential providers occurs in different ways. The Ohio Dept. of DD compliance and standards review office staff comes to Henry County to meet with providers, review records and observe their operations. In addition, they meet with the individuals to ask if they are satisfied with their services. SSA’s are also tasked with monitoring services authorized in an Individual Support Plan.
Are you interested in becoming a provider?
If you are interested in becoming a provider of Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) under the Individual Options or Level 1 Waiver SELF to individuals with developmental disabilities, you must be certified through the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD). The applications process to become a certified provider is completed online at DODD.
Independent Providers
Agency Providers
Waiver Services
Residential and waiver services are available through the Board and contractual agreements with certified providers. Individuals receive skill development training and support in their homes. The services vary depending on the individual’s choice and needs, and can range from a few hours a week to 24 hours a day. The goal is creating living situations that are successful in meeting an individual’s current needs, as well as helping them pursue their future goals.